Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Saturday 9th October

Friends Meeting House


1.30 - 4.30 p.m.


It is Sunday 5th September as I sit composing these short notes about our Satsang Meeting held yesterday at the home of Angela and Peter Creagh

The Meeting was both a social occasion and an opportunity to our Satsang Companionship, to review our new Website www.satsang-companionship.org.uk , reflect on past meetings and to look forward to the future.
Patty,Taj, Angela,Monica,Pam

Unfortunately several Members send their apologies and at the last minute , because of sudden family commitments, both Shirley Cooke and Yasmin Malik could not attend. So we particularly think of Shirley and Yasmin and hope that all goes well with them. So six of us gathered. So Patty Bowsher, Monica Evans, Taj Kaur, Pam Pritchard, Angela Creagh and myself (Peter Creagh).

We started with a lovely buffet , which Angela had lovingly prepared and shared over our meal. Sharing over a meal is special. In every culture and throughout history, people have always gathered around a meal to share, reflect and enjoy the food and the company. This was no exception. To share a meal is to share something of oneself as well as food.

So we partook of a very leisurely meal and began to share about our lives, our journey and the importance of Satsang.

After the meal we began to address these areas in more detail. We started by looking at our new local Website ( www.satsang-companionship.org.uk ) and particularly looked at the Satsang News pages. These feed directly from our Satsang Blog and over time it is hoped that this area of the Web will grow as Members begin to contribute, share and comment on articles.

We then began to deepen our sharing, looking at ways of developing and improving our companionship.Throughout the afternoon we shared about our lives, family and our experience of Satsang. We looked at our past experiences of our Satsang Companionship, how this provided mutual support and challenge and how we could move forward in the future

We hope to continue this sharing at our n ext and subsequent meetings and thus assist, support and challenge each other as we attempt to out our Satsang Commi tment and play our part in  ......

Creating a Planetary Vision and
A Universal Heart of Compassion