Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Four Great Ps of Celtic Spirituality

Celtic Spirituality

The Wisdom of the Ancient Ways

Quantum Physics and Spiritual Wisdom both teach us that everything is inter-connected.

This 'wisdom' was well known to the ancient Celts, whose spirituality was steeped in the wonder and awe of creation. This wonder and awe was adopted by the early Christians in Ireland and integrated into their of understanding of spirituality. One of the great 'gifts' of Celtic Spirituality is its concept of the FOUR GREAT Ps. These are :

* A sense of 'PRESENCE' in all.

* The sacredness of PLACE - especially 'thin places'

* The importance of PRAYER for and in everything

* That all is PILGRIMAGE , particularly the Inner Journey

The link below contains some reflections on these FOUR GREAT Ps